Delivering the best

for Bury.

I’m Eamonn O’Brien, councillor for St Mary’s ward in Prestwich, and it’s an honour for me to be the leader of Bury Council.

I was born here, educated here, and have lived here all my life. That’s how I know that this is a great place in which to live, work and study, and I will do everything I can to ensure it continues to be so.

Being a Labour councillor means that I and all my team try and do two things at all times. Firstly is listen to residents – put your ideas and ambitions at the heart of all we do. Secondly, we make sure decisions we make are fair and get the best outcomes for the most vulnerable in our borough. Not all decisions are easy but by sticking to our Labour values we make them for the right reasons.

Bury Labour group have never just sat back and grumbled about the problems we all face as a society. That’s why our borough wide plan for the next ten years is a called The Let’s Do It! Strategy. Now, working in partnership with the Labour Government we are delivering for our ambitions for everyone in Bury and setting right fourteen years of austerity.

The strategy isn’t just about funding, its about how we work, it is a radical new proposition for community power; putting relationships first and creating a borough in which every single person plays their part.

We have already introduced neighbourhood teams to make sure that services are joined up around people and places. As this progresses we want every resident to be part of shaping their community, from green spaces to our regeneration plans for our town centres. So that together we can change the way we work- to deliver the change we all want to see.

Bury North

James Frith MP

Bury South

Christian Wakeford MP